Community Garden Pavilion
Lambeth Green | London
The pavilion has been designed as a gateway to Lambeth Green, creating an eye catching feature at an important intersection. The proposal is an engaging entrance that creates a dynamic threshold between the intimate public green and wider public realm.
Although a pragmatic simple structure, the pavilion seeks to engage with the community, providing an opportunity to celebrate and showcase the horticultural activities that it supports to create and maintain beautiful green spaces for people to visit, use and enjoy.
The dynamic form of the pavilion responds directly to the site's geometry and the neighbouring historic structures. A perforated metal veil unites the elements creating a distinct identity to the pavilion. Openings behind the perforated screens allow views from inside to outside with a glimpse to the activity that lies behind. The expressed base of the building forms benches, planters and external functional areas that integrate the building with the landscape. The interplay between the light superstructure and heavy solid plinth is key to the composition but importantly provides a robust base to the building.

The building has been designed to provide fully accessible facilities within a compact footprint. The function of the building inherently has a low energy demand due to the limited accommodation and services installations required. Power and hot water will be provided by rooftop solar panels and rainwater collected from the roof stored for use in the garden; collectively creating a sustainable and self sustaining off grid building.
The multifaceted façade provides a unique and effective device to draw people to and from the building from all directions as a local landmark for the area and the museum.